
Through Dungeons Deeper released on Lulu

We’re proud to announce that THROUGH DUNGEONS DEEPER is now available on Lulu in digital and print formats. The 150-page softcover paperback is $25.99 and the digital edition (as a PDF on Lulu) is $9.74 (normally $12.99 but on sale to match the current OneBookShelf price). In 6-8 weeks, this edition will hit distribution and […]

The Graveyard At Lus Updated to 1.3

The Graveyard at Lus has been updated to version 1.3 on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow, correcting a few things that were evident after the first batch of proofs came back, including: Some clarifications to explanatory text throughout Correction of some typos Addition of a new sidebar on page 11 explaining alien race starship substitution Various small […]