The first volume in a series of minimalist design, small page-count books offering big play options for your gaming table.
In this volume, we present 5 new races for your games, along with 8 new classes tied to some of the races as well as races in the core book. Will you play a Bugbear Stalker, a Halfling Grifter, or a Dragonkin Radiant? What about a Goblin Firespitter, or a Dwarven Bloodstormer? If your current character dies, will they come back as a Reaver?
This supplement for the Swords & Wizardry roleplaying game works best with the Complete version of the game, but can easily be converted to work with the other older versions. The content within can also be readily used with other roleplaying game systems if you have an alternative favorite rule set.
Includes 8 New Classes:
- Bloodstormer
- Deathwitch
- Firespitter
- Grifter
- Radiant
- Reaver
- Stalker
- Waterstrider
- Bugbear
- Dragonkin
- Goblin
- Sahuagin
- Unliving
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