Page 6 - IBP 2001 - Bearing A Grudge - Labyrinth Lord Edition
P. 6

1. The kobolds may have attacked Belkan’s camp to try to steal some of the perceived loot that he has amassed from his banditing, and this leads to Belkan and his men hunting them down.
2. Belkan and his men head to the sacred glade to claim the treasure in the pool. When they get there, Thearnan sends an animal messenger to The Two Sisters or the party (if already encountered) to request help defending the glade. When the party gets there Thearnan is still alive but the situation needs resolved.
3. Belkan decides that enough is enough and heads for a confrontation at The Two Sisters and attacks it at night, setting the store on fire (see below).
NOTES: It’s important for the flow of the story to not introduce Belkan and his associates too early to the players as they are the end game and “big bad” of the entire scenario. Players can find out about the attempted theft from The Two Sisters but should also be introduced to other pieces of information such as the kobolds and the sacred glade. These in turn can end up leading to Belkan, but going directly to Belkan and his men and tackling them immediately means abandoning a lot of the potential adventure elements for the Vignette, and a lot of the fun. Of course, Belkan might end up coming for the party!
Some ways to get the kobolds involved include:
The trading post itself can act as a good supply stop or base of operations in the future for adventurers who are apt to travel, especially if they create good relationships with the two sisters Jothril and Pamil.
RUMORS: While adventuring or traveling to the trading post adventurers may come upon some rumors relating to the it and its environs, which can be used to prompt them towards exploration or searching or seeding some action. Rumors on the table marked (T) are true, and those marked (F) are false. Roll 1d20 and consult the table below, with one or more rumor for each adventurer:
Rumor Table
1d20 Roll
The two women who run the trading post are actually mother and daughter, not sisters. (F)
The forest is watched over by The Hunters, ancient spirits of the forest who exact vengeance on those who kill animals or steal anywhere within it. (F)
There is said to be a sacred area within the forest where peace and harmony brings all beasts together as brothers and sisters. (T)
The forest is infested with kobolds that escaped while being transported to a private zoo. (T)
Bandits, led by the mysterious Bob O’ The Hood, are preying on those with wealth who travel through the forest. (F)
One of the two sisters who run the trading post is an amateur magician. (F – ish)
Groups of wild animals have been attacking travelers on the roads. (F – it’s the kobolds dressed up)
There is a magic pool in the forest that heals the sick and wounded if you can find it and offer something of value to it. (T).
1. Ambushing the players by dropping from trees or attacking from the underbrush when they’re out looking for Belkan.
2. Attacking the players as they leave the sacred glade (especially if any of them fall dead because of the glade’s curse).
3. A kobold attack on the players while they’re on the road, or even on another trader on their way to The Two Sisters when the players are still there.
4. The kobolds decide to brave attacking The Two Sisters to steal some live animals while the players are there (which the kobolds are unaware of). Perhaps they even attack after the players have left and are looking for Belkan and now the players must also track down the kobolds and return with the animals for a reward.
Belkan can be introduced easily by having the players hunt him and his crew down, but he and his crew can also be introduced in other ways:
Bearing A Grudge
4 Labyrinth Lord Edition

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